Charlotte, you continue to be a font of fascinating information. Thank you. It is reassuring to know that these people exist.

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I just learned that he went to the same community college as me, San Diego Mesa College. What a pleasant surprise. Mesa changed my life. There was a Physics instructor, Dr. Harry Packard, who helped turn me into a good student. Community colleges in the San Diego region offer some of the best education on the planet. But I’m a tad biased. My wife was an Instructor and dept. chair and dean at various times over many years at a nearby community college.

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Always, always, always, you open up new vistas with your writing, Charlotte. Thank you (again)!!!!

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Amazing. We need people like him in politics for sure. Maybe Congress? That would be awesome. Thanks for bringing him to our attention, Charlotte.

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My daughter was highly motivating, w/a skill 4 encouraging support from friends &/or family, as a PTA. Sadly,. she left the profession, in a time of maximum need, because of a care system rife w/weaknesses, & tragic consequences so very exhausting. Not only did we NEED, more like her,. support system 4 them! And,. so it is w/R political process!😔 Dr. Jonny needs 2 follow Obama’s steps,. STAT!😧😉

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Just another DEI hire


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Wow, what an impressive person. Thank you for sharing his story.

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I’m so glad you chose to tell the story of this impressive man.

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Thank you so much. What a great life so far.

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I love this story so much.

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