Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

Thank you! "The people who will be hurt most by needlessly and irresponsibly blocking traffic are those who are struggling to navigate a world that reduces them to an afterthought." This is the problem, in a nutshell.

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Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

You made me rethink this. I had the opposite reaction. I don’t agree with these protesters but, in general, I think civil disobedience is legitimate protest. However, the scale of inconvenience and danger to people who have no say in this situation is a legitimate concern. I don’t have the answer. I appreciate the perspective.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

YES! You are so right! There are many other ways to protest that aren't as thoughtless as blocking traffic on a highway. In fact, these actions make me think poorly of the protestors and works against them - at least for me. It makes me mad at them and their cause.

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Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

Also, it's counter-productive. People that might be moved to support the protesters' cause are now completely turned off by these tactics.

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Apr 18Liked by Charlotte Clymer

I totally agree with your comments. The people on the highway have no control over the decisions made by the US government, and certainly have no control over the decisions made by Israel. I support anyone's right to protest but as you said, not this "peak activist narcissism". Protest in front of the White House, or in front of Congress, go to town halls in your local community, sign petitions, donate to World Central Kitchen to help feed those in Gaza, but get off the roads.

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Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

"Peak activist narcissism." Nice turn of phrase!

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Please explain how a ceasefire would work. Would it unilateral? Would it include returning the 133 hostages who might or might not be alive? Would it include some reasonable check on Hamas' lies about what is actually happening in Gaza? Would it include some aspect of ensuring Israel's security? Would it include placing Israel's actions in the context of any other war?

I am so fucking tired of the constant genuflecting (pun intended, history intended) to the unreachable in current circumstances due to Hamas' actions (and yes, it's easy to hate on Netanyahu and I'll pile on gladly, but in the current context he's a distraction).

I have a great deal of respect for your work and your willingness to learn. I ask you to do so now.

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Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer


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Apr 17Liked by Charlotte Clymer

Charlotte, you're on a roll! #KeepGoing

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It's a great piece, Charlotte. You are absolutely right.

p.s. Favorite quips: "That’s just being a cruel, performative asshole" and "...peak activist narcissism."

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