Loving the circular firing squad but also by the way, he works for a man who is the epitome of entitled mediocrity.

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Jock/prom queen culture versus nerd culture has an interesting history in America. It used to be gentler, I can tell you that.

I remember how it played out observing overseas American communities in the early 70s in India. These were often throwbacks to earlier times in America, running 5-10 years behind the times.

Nerds that I called the 'gentle geeks' started being fondly celebrated beginning in the late 70s and through the 80s (think Bill Gates, Goonies movie, etc) but by the time Silicon Valley started pumping out serious money in the 90s, women had been firmly pushed aside for the gold rush. They were there, but steadily downgraded and denigrated.

Peter Thiel had a lot to do with the cruel 'cleaning out' of women and minorities from IT firms that had relied on them a lot. That led directly to the need for tech immigrants, mostly Indian men since they both had the credentials and were more than willing to work for less. America has been worse for it, not because of the immigrants, but because it fueled attitudes that last to this day in the IT Industry.

At the moment American women are graduating in college at much higher rates and with better grades than men, especially in geek trades, and India has been doing the same.

But still the IT Industry utterly fails to place and hold onto women at anywhere near the rate they could in top tech jobs. There is so much hostility to women taking these 'men's jobs' that it has been a very tough career; most women last 5-7 years and then have to give up and go elsewhere where they are more appreciated. These women are highly educated, smart, and capable, so most can leave and pick up good jobs in another discipline. But once again, America is much the worse for it. We keep throwing away perfectly good talent for bad reasons.

Finally, we need to note that Vivek has his own peculiar cultural challenges. Don't forget Modi style racism exists in many of the Indian communities, along with tons of misogyny.

Vivek's cluelessness in this exchange is due to an unfortunate arrogance that happens to be an integral part of his rearing; he is male, so automatically more highly prized. He'll step over the line--unlike Vance's wife--because of that built-in over-confidence that so often comes with the privilege of being the Indian son. I think we can now pretty much guarantee Vance's wife is a whole lot smarter than Vivek (or Vance for that matter), but it will never be acknowledged, since she is a woman, and she knows her place.

My female Indian friends in the IT industry work harder than anyone, and cannot afford to be mediocre or lose their jobs as their husbands are also paid less than normal. They quietly toil away and teach their sons by their stellar example to appreciate the productivity and ingenuity women can bring to the table. But it takes time to change the cultural mores.

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Ramaswamy became wealthy by selling a company that made a new Alzheimer's drug that turned out not to work. Right? So it was a brilliant marketing flimflam, but not exactly something that was good for the economy. I think there's a Forbes article about him that says this.

As far as I can find out, no business of his has made a successful or significant drug. Maybe all he is, is a great marketer. Maybe it would be worth while to look at who analyzed the financials of his business deals. I Don't know about you, but that is not the kind of "innovation" I want our economy to be based on.

Point 2, the right wing program is based on getting people to accept unequal treatment, and to hope that they will end up on top.

Trump accuses immigrants of being rapists, but if he rapes someone it is OK. If you look at right wing behavior through that lense, you will see all kinds of interesting things.

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I’m loving the schadenfreude.

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I have tried to work on being open-minded and have humility about the Democrats’ loss…and I guess that’s still a noble goal. But mostly I’m making my popcorn to watch MAGA finally implode in 2025 and beyond. 🍿 🍿🍿

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"Maybe this will finally be enough for you to stay [away] from leopards because final piece of advice: their stomachs will never be full."

There seem to be multiple and competing "leopards" in the current #Felon45 / Tr$mp camp, all hungry and ready to devour actual people -- like immigrants and the poor people who voted for Tr$mp only to find out that his administration will champion taking away their meager Social Security, disability, food stamps, and other public support.

The meanest and hungriest tigers may ultimately be the rich oligarchs who want their bigger tax cuts no matter what happens to the other 99%....

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You summed it up so perfectly.

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Well said! It is amazing when so many people fail to see what's in front of their face.

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This just confirms how happy I am to be off Twitter.

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B R I L L I A N T!

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Thanks Charlotte. I think they are grifting us all with these theatrics in one way or another.

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Thanks for the clear analysis. You have also gathered a wonderful readership

I would like to add that this face eating is not new. I don't think I can add a link here, but look at what Bush did to McCain during the 2000 Republican primary. The Nation had an excellent article; the title begins with Dirty Tricks

Someone started and spread a rumor that McCain had a black love child, just before the 2000 S Carolina primary. Without that, and other lies and big financing from TX, McCain would probably have been the Republican candidate.

Anything sound familiar?

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