Thank you for sharing this good news!

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Fabulous news Charlotte!

*Hillary Clinton gets credit from when she was Secretary of State for changing regulations to allow trans 🏳️‍⚧️ folx to correctly identify their gender on their passport. Hillz=Trailblazer 4Life! 💓

I have been struggling to get my employer Behavioral Health Group (largest opioid treatment program in the country) to stop misgendering and dead naming our trans patients for years to no avail. They claim their state issued ID has to match our EHR (electronic health record) for billing purposes which is **lazy and false because in NY OTPs have successfully stopped misgendering and dead naming patients for years now. Do you know someone in the trans community who could help BHG and our federal and State oversight agencies to help us.

One way I’ve found to help trans patients is ask everyone their pronouns.

Happy Transgender 🏳️‍⚧️ Day of Visibility Charlotte! Thank you 🙏 Sweet Lady you make our world infinitely more sparkly, 💖 shiny, and just. Love 💗 you!!!

Ida Santana, MD

** lazy and false- is the definition of anti-Trans bigotry & JKR

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