I live in the Blue part of Missouri and was not surprised when our governor favored the Boys State and ignored the Girls State. MO has had about 20 years of Republican rule and it shows. However, I loved. your list. I was so glad to see the Women's Basketball games get such high viewership and press coverage. When my daughter began playing soccer we went to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy her a pair of shoes, a soccer ball and the other required equipment. My daughter looked at the large posters of the US Men's Soccer team players and was upset that there were no posters of any of the US Women's Soccer team players. This would have been in 2011 when she was in her first year in high school. She asked to speak to a manager and complained about the lack of female representation and got the manager to promise to find a couple of posters of the US Women's Soccer team players. We went back in a couple of weeks and there was one poster of Abby Wambach so we had the "change takes time" talk. A couple years later there were multiple posters of women soccer players.

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That piece on the Farr family did indeed give me a glimmer of hope for humanity. Thanks for sharing.

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