Thanks for writing this, although the necessary eye rolling must have added to your exhaustion. Honest to Pete, these assholes just never stop. Don’t let them steal your joy or ruin your holiday. Sending 💙 your way!

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Thank you. Perfect example of how the right craves attention and thrives on fear/hate. If only they’d channel that energy into positive causes. Fox news must be exhausting to watch all day.

Gingerbread cookies - it’s ridiculous.

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

I know people can fetishize anything but for someone to spend time demanding a detailed report on what is between a cookies legs takes the cake.

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Don’t let the bastards get you down. Have a merry Christmas! 💜

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Keep that joy! Love & Peace! Hugs

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Dec 21, 2021·edited Dec 21, 2021

He has a great take on this https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrWW1EO-Y_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link I want how it tasted. Looks too thick for my preference. I would still eat it.

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