I’m autistic, raised by an autistic dad, and have raised 3 amazing, funny, warm, compassionate, and emotional autistic kids of my own. I saw myself and my kids in Gus’s divergence. Like you said so beautifully, We don’t need to be “cured” or “pitied,” as we are a normal variance on the human spectrum. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you, Charlotte. Beautifully stated, and, apparently, much needed by many. We’ve all been a bit starved, methinks, for normal, loving, honest emotional displays between normal, loving, honest people in the public eye.

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As usual, expertly written and demonstrating empathy, something sorely lacking among many Republicans. I'm on the autism spectrum and it takes a lot to bring tears to my eyes but I teared up with Gus Walz's display of emotion and love. The other thing that impresses me about the Democratic ticket is how Gov. Walz is more than ready to accept that he's number two on the ticket and to support VP Harris in any way he can. I have four brothers and my father, while he was alive, would frequently tell me that if I'd just been born a boy he'd have had a perfect score. I have no memories of him holding or kissing me, or being involved in my life. Needless to say, there was no connection between us while he was alive. Gov. Walz is the type of father I wish I had, and I love to see real fathers who aren't afraid of loving their children. I've felt the same way about Doug Emhoff who has also stood behind and supports VP Harris and obviously loves his children. This is the image of men that we need in this country, not the goof balls and weirdos who want to see women back in the 1800's.

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I must admit I teared up too, it was such a beautiful display of love for his dad. I hope he didn’t hear any of the disparaging comments. He was true to himself. God bless the Walz family for daring to love each other so publicly.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

They are a beautiful family and I loved Gus!

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As always, so well said. My parents were narcissists. I wish I’d had a parent who loved me even a tiny bit as much as Tim and Gwen Walz love Gus and Hope.

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So sorry you didn’t have that joy! I hope you were surrounded by love by others! 💕

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This is beautiful!

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Yes. Absolutely this a million times over.

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This got me thinking about the contrast between Gus and his father, and Mike Johnson and his son. Does anyone remember that creepy story about how Mike Johnson has his son monitor his porn watching on a phone app (and vice versa, I suppose). There is a very twisted view of father/son relationships out in MAGA land.

Also got me thinking about the creepiness of men like Scott Galloway, the marketing professor at NYU Stern School of Business. I don't understand how, but he has been featured on so many CNN and MSNBC shows as a pundit yapping about the crisis in masculinity in America.

Here is a taste of his views: https://www.profgalloway.com/boys-to-men/. He seems appalled at the idea of women raising young boys, because women won't be able to teach those young men how to struggle and fight (I guess he never met a mother). He has several times mentioned how sexually deprived young men are these days, leaning into the idea that young women need to 'put out' more, or there will be a backlash from men (talk about veiled threats). But he does point out rightly that young boys need more male role models in their lives, and that young boys are more affected by instability and divorce in a family than the daughters are.

I do think there is a desperate crisis in masculinity, but not in the way Prof Galloway and Tucker think. The confusion springs from having as a role model shady characters who instruct men to take advantage of women, who constantly show deep contempt for women by portraying men as strong and women as weak, somehow lesser beings. Those who fear showing 'feminine' emotions, who view Gus as 'broken'.

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Amen, sister! 💝

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Thank you, Charlotte. I too was positively touched by the open positive loving response of Gus, a son for his father. I hope that you or someone shares your post with Gus. I am horrified by the cruelty he is receiving for being himself, beautiful and present.

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Once again, perfection. I type this through tears. Team Gus. Team Charlotte.

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Excellent points!

This is part of why MAGA hates liberal thought so intensely - the imposed filters to (at least) publicly screen out verbal abuse of anyone different, anyone 'less than'. To consider the effect of their actions or 'walk a mile' in someone else's shoes.

Their cruelty is one of the 'freedoms' they think shouldn't be limited to bars, locker rooms or their homes. "Trump speaks for me!".

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And now I'm crying all over again, like I was when Guys did his thing Wednesday night. Thanks for saying what so many of us felt so eloquently.

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I thought the same as you when I first saw him beaming and crying with tears welling up in my eyes and never gave it a second thought until the next day. You put it all together so succinctly. Thank you!

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This is so perfectly said!!!

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