Yesterday I sent Bishop Budde a postcard of thanks. Her message of empathy and compassion so honestly delivered in such a public forum, is the most courageous action taken since Trump was elected. She's deserving of the gratitude of the entire nation, especially those who voted for Trump/Vance. I appreciate your re-telling and added context. Thank you! #KeepGoing 🙏🏻

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I thanked her via the Diocese of Washington, DC's website "contact us" link a few days ago. I hope she stays safe with all the #J6 felons now out on the loose...

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I wrote mine today.

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What a beautiful idea! I will joyfully jump onto the “Thank you, Bishop Budde!” postcard train. ❤️

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Charlotte, your essays are so graceful, so caring, and so beautifully written that they bring tears to my eyes. Have you ever thought about combining them and publishing? That is a book that would write itself and I think the world would be all the better for it.

With much love,


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I'll second that!

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Thanks, Charlotte! As an Episcopalian for 60-plus years, Bishop Mariann's homily and your post ring true and right. Well said!

Here is a link to Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde's entire homily:


The TIME reporter's questions are rather tone-deaf but Bishop Budde's responses are dead on:


Go, Mariann! Go, Charlotte! ;-)

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Thank you Charlotte! I loved hearing Bishop Budde and purchased her book right away. Learning more about the Episcopalian church has made my husband and I want to look closer into it because the beliefs are much more aligned with ours than the ones we were raised with.

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Michelle-Not all Episcopal church communities are alike. There should be a few close enough to you to try some different ones before you join up. Look for church communities that include their kids in everything, sing well (not just the choir, either), and that welcome everyone warmly.

If your local Episcopal churches don't give you what you need, try Lutheran (ELCA), Methodist, AME, and other "mainline" churches, too. You'll know when you're "home."

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The look on the faces of each one in the front 3 rows says it all.

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I actually thought Eric was touched by St Budde’s words. Who wouldn’t be? Only pharaohs hardening their hearts.

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Bishop Budde is a courageous leader. A would say that her critics and those that she challenged are Jackals rather than Leopards.

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I’m a Moravian, also a Christian Church, and even more a minority than you. We have a motto that goes: In essentials, unity, in non essentials, liberty, and in all things, love. One of our bishops (we also ordain women and LGBTQ+) might have said the same things Bishop Budde said.

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I’m an Episcopalian who was raised with many Moravian traditions like that motto. Both my mother and my daughter graduated from Salem College in NC, oldest women’s college in the US, established in 1772… source of our knowledge of the Moravian church! Just wanted to acknowledge! 🤗😍

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Thank you. I’m glad to know there are people out there who know about Moravians. We were the first church in America to educate women, and John Amos Comenius was the first to put illustrations in children’s textbooks.

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Sharon -

I love your Moravian motto!

Many devoted and principled Christian leaders could, indeed, have said what Mariann Budde said in her homily: the Gospel is not the property of any single denomination. (Sadly, some sects have abandoned the Gospel as being too political, too "leftist," and "too woke.") ;-)

We Episcopalians just happen to have the cathedral in DC that has been chosen to be the "national" cathedral and the site of "national" services like the memorial for President Carter and the National Prayer Service on Tuesday.

That said, I am SO glad that Bishop Mariann stepped up and did the right thing for all of us in her homily...

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Bishop Budde has become one of my heroes. She truly spoke truth to power!

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Awesome post, Charlotte!!

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I cannot, for the life of me, imagine why anyone would think that Bishop Budde would owe anyone an apology for that sermon. The cretins sitting so grotesquely garbed and slathered in paints are the ones who should have been apologizing to both the Bishop and their God. Their hypocrisy and calumny knows no bounds when they spuriously call upon a woman of God to apologize for a plea for mercy and compassion. What goes around usually manages to come back around at some point, and I hope I'm still around for the comeuppance. Yes, I'm a mean-spirited person who can only marginally be considered "Chrisitan" by their yardstick.


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Well said, Charlotte.

I found the Episcopal church as a young girl with my grandfather. Even then, it was apparent that all were welcome & our St. John's in Detroit is still doing good work.

Her plea was poignant reminder to continue to do the work to push back fascism. Thanks to you both.

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Thank you for explaining and providing more context, Charlotte! I watched former President Jimmy Carter's funeral on the National Cathedral's YouTube channel and was awed by the moments of ancient ritual when the Bishop Budde and others received and sent off the casket, especially. This will be the first time I watch a National Prayer Service, which I had unfairly dismissed, unfairly, I now see, as hypocritical window dressing. I'm forwarding your powerful piece to friends and family.

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My immediate reaction was how could anyone of sound mind and good conscience take issue with a general prayer for mercy. Then I remembered, it was Trump.

Bishop Budde is the type of cleric who gives religion a good name.

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Thank you for this truly wonderful column—I feel deeply inspired and much more ready to forge ahead with strength. And to send a very grateful note to Bishop Budde herself.

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Thank you for this, Charlotte. Your description of being an Episcopalian is spot on, especially the "flexible" part. The daughter of a Presbyterian minister, I made the switch back in the early '80s after a Christmas Eve service at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. The medieval beauty of the liturgy and the Word-meets-modern-world preaching was just what my soul was searching for. Like you, I wasn't surprised by Bishop Budde's words to the Great Pretender, but I was damned impressed. Strength displayed in such a gentle manner—exactly what I was taught to believe in from childhood as I looked to the Bible for how to respond to cruelty and injustice. Oh, the beautiful power of compassion that unites us in the fight. May we all find our inner Marianns.

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She is so amazing. I hope at least a few of the supposed journalists with legacy media will start doing what she did. Speak the truth. Ask the questions that matter. Push for answers.

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