WOWZER, Charlotte! That was informative on so many levels, & although some it wasn’t easy to hear, you ended on such a positive note. I am

once again inspired by your expertise & absolute spot on analysis of our current political trauma. Thank you!

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Echo that Charlotte is an incredible communicator!

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Bear with me here. I am beginning to wonder whether the real beef conservative men like Charlie Kirk have with Trans women in athletic contests is it begins to beg the question why not just run men against women in these events, and just see how things fall out. After all, one could simply publish the results and parse out women, men, trans, etc...? Why not? Would halve the number of events, potentially? More efficient, and possibly quite interesting?

I really wonder if Serena Williams, for instance, went up against 99% of the men out there on the tennis court, she wouldn't beat the vast majority soundly. The surge of incredibly athletic women due to Title 9 who are getting better and better at sports is deeply threatening, I believe, to conservative men like Charlie Kirk.

They are desperately trying to use Trans women in sports as a dividing line, as it gives them the right to claim men should never be allowed to compete with women directly.

Finally, the focus on trans women over trans men has fascinated me through the past few years. I think people like Charlie Kirk have no particular problem with trans men, don't focus on them because of course it would be natural to want to be a man, a superior being. But a man wanting to be a woman--that is absolutely unforgiveable, as it gives up men's power.

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I rarely watch videos as part of my social media activity. But I am so thankful to have been able to watch this conversation. Your compassion, Charlotte, is inspiring, and it is genuine. Clear analysis, education that isn’t condescending or preachy, and breadth of understanding — all with a big heart. Thank you!

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Seems so disastrous. How do Democratic leaders support transgender lives and overcome republican transphobia? How do we keep republican transphobia from determining elections? What's the central message Democrats need? Democrats need to be more like AOC with her videos. She is so good.

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Excellent discussion! Thank you Julie and Charlotte!

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If no one else pointed it out, Newsom had kirk on HIS first show of his new podcast, possibly because his 13 year old son likes kirk.

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Charlotte, I cannot thank you enough for everything I have learned from you, from this interview and other posts you have made throughout the years, whether it be on Substack, Twitter or Bluesky. I have a very small circle of friends and family that tolerate me but only accept certain things to a certain level, and then they hold strong to the views spewed on other toxic information sites. I've had a really hard time finding the right words to express how I feel and help educate wherever I can, but it never seems to work. It's an exercise in futility. This particular interview has blown it wide open for me and giving me a stronger foundation to proceed from in order to articulate more clearly who we are, why it's important, and the importance of coming together, because this is not just about us. Great interview, I love you so much, thank you.

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These right wing folks seem to be obsessed with sex.

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