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Over the years, I’ve occasionally seen the argument pop up from some conservatives that men’s bodies are controlled through the military draft system. They use this bad faith response to women’s bodies being controlled by anti-choice lawmakers.
In recent months, this argument has been more prevalent, particularly online, as abortion has become arguably the single most potent issue in the presidential campaign.
So, let's quickly discuss this ridiculous talking point given that some conservative men have betrayed their complete ignorance on the Selective Service System.
Arguing the draft is to men like abortion is to women is ludicrous for three big reasons.
First, the draft in the United States hasn't been in effect since December 27th, 1972.
That was the last day young men were inducted in our Armed Forces. And yes, that means young men in the U.S. have been free of being drafted longer than young women have had abortion access.
Second, the consequences for young men failing to register for the draft are not even close to being similar for young women who don't have abortion access.
It's like comparing a scratch on your car to a catastrophic wreck.
Young men who don't register for the draft essentially cannot be hired by the federal government and some state governments. And in some states, they cannot get a driver's license without registering for the draft.
That's completely unjust, I agree, but it ain't close to being the same.
Conservative men will then come back and claim young men can be prosecuted for failing to register, but this is basically false. The Justice Department decided to suspend prosecutions for draft registration back in 1988 because they realized it's pointless and helps no one.
Then they’ll claim that young men who don’t register for the draft can't receive federal student aid for college, but this isn't true, either. That law is no longer on the books. A young man's federal aid for college will NOT be impacted by their draft registration.
Meanwhile, young women who don't have abortion access can literally die and many have. Women have died at hospitals because doctors were too afraid to offer abortion care for fear of breaking cruel laws implemented after the Dobbs ruling.
So, let’s review Point #2:
Young men can't get hired by the federal government and some state governments for not registering for the draft.
Young women have died because they were denied abortion care.
These are not the same.
Third—and it astonishes me how many people don't understand this—the greatest proponent for ONLY young men registering for the draft has been the Republican Party.
The greatest opponent against requiring it for young men has been the feminist movement.
Feminist leaders like Gloria Steinem and the late Bella Abzug have made a clear argument for decades: there shouldn't be a draft because it's morally wrong, but if there is a draft system, women should be required to register for it just like men.
For more than five decades, feminist leaders have argued that: 1) young men should have autonomy over their bodies and a military draft is the complete opposite of that and 2) exempting young women from the draft is a sexist double standard.
But when efforts come up to either eliminate the military draft entirely OR require young women to register for it just like young men, it's Republicans in Congress who have led the way, every time, in killing those efforts.
So, if you're a conservative young man who is angry about this double standard, I agree with you. It's not fair that you're required to register for the military draft and women aren't.
You have every right to be angry about that, but you should be angry at Republicans.
Because it's feminist leaders who have been fighting for your equality all this time. It's the feminist movement who was first making the argument that young men shouldn't be coerced into military service. It's an issue of autonomy. And Republicans have consistently opposed that.
So, please, don't compare draft registration to abortion access because it makes you look ridiculous, but moreover, you should hold Republican elected officials accountable for stripping away your autonomy in service to a sexist double standard.
While you’re at it, thank feminist leaders who were calling this out long before you were born.
One further point for consideration is that the Government's authority for conscription is based in the Preamble. The Federal Government must "provide for the common defense". In its very next breath (if you will allow the metaphor) the Preamble requires that our Government "promote the general welfare and promote the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
For the blessings of Liberty that we all enjoy, it is Just that our government ask that we defend our country. Thank you for reminding us that Feminists have overwhelmingly supported Selective Service registration for all adults.
In days of yore, Women were held up as Precious, but Powerless. Men were Powerful, but Expendable. I am chronically disheartened that war is still a part of the human experience at all. I work toward the moment when the need to defend our Country and our Allies with our bodies has passed into the realm of history.
Great analysis as always, Charlotte!