One further point for consideration is that the Government's authority for conscription is based in the Preamble. The Federal Government must "provide for the common defense". In its very next breath (if you will allow the metaphor) the Preamble requires that our Government "promote the general welfare and promote the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

For the blessings of Liberty that we all enjoy, it is Just that our government ask that we defend our country. Thank you for reminding us that Feminists have overwhelmingly supported Selective Service registration for all adults.

In days of yore, Women were held up as Precious, but Powerless. Men were Powerful, but Expendable. I am chronically disheartened that war is still a part of the human experience at all. I work toward the moment when the need to defend our Country and our Allies with our bodies has passed into the realm of history.

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Great analysis as always, Charlotte!

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Thank you for this. I have seen a couple of these comments swirl around and I appreciate your concise response. It helps me figure out what to say (when all I want to do is smack someone upside the head). In some cases, I have responded with a piece that I wrote about bodily autonomy when it comes to blood and live organ donation. I find it interesting how uncomfortable folks get when autonomy is discussed outside the bounds of anatomy.

"Then we get to the same right of body and medical autonomy in regards to reproductive rights and the stage changes. Here, the right to consent and make choices is hotly debated. Morality is introduced. Religious opinion enters the picture as does personal judgement based on why medical decisions are being made by others. It’s hard to imagine if someone said that they wouldn’t provide a kidney to a dying child, despite being the only match for that donation, their motivations would be questioned. That they’d be labeled as “selfish,” a “monster,” or even a murderer.

A personal, intimate decision was made with the help of medical professionals, based on the person’s needs, fears, economic realities, risk tolerance, spirituality, and a whole host of other factors. And even if that decision means that they don’t proceed and the child dies, it is their choice. Their decision. Their right to body autonomy."


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Thank you so much for this.

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For those conservative men who wish not to register to defend and protect their country, I understand their fear and reluctance. However, I do not respect their decision or resolve.

I propose that American lawmakers do, as the Greeks have done in the past, and pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to cover those non-voting citizens who have chosen not to defend and protect America, the U.S. Constitution, Democracy, the Rule of Law, Freedom, and Equality for all. These citizens will not be considered voting citizens of America, and they will not have the right to vote on any laws or in any elections, and should not be allowed to do business with the U.S. government.

Protecting and defending America is an honorable virtue, but it has nothing to do with the women of America having the right to manage their bodies

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