Loved it! When my daughter was in grade school she wanted to take ballet lessons so I signed her up. However, I searched and found a dance studio that did not do an annual recital. I did discuss this with her and she was fine with it. All throughout grade school (through 8th grade because I'm old and there were no "middle" schools then) I took ballet, tap, jazz and en pointe and loved every minute. But I hated the annual recital because my mother, who did not drive, had to have my father take her and my four brothers to each recital. This was not a fun time. I noted that you didn't make note of random comments, and noises, coming from siblings in the audience. They do add to the ambiance. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Eat a lot of good food, take a walk, take deep breaths and naps.

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We had our annual music performances that were pretty much like this, but with solos. First, the entire orchestra was applauded for the preliminary tune up, which I assure you was not needed as none of our 8-year old ears synched. But the applause startled some of us into thinking they’d missed our first number so when we started playing, a few of us had jumped ahead and were playing an entirely different “melody”.

Then the solos...the problem is aa a soloist you can’t hide. One girl was so terrified she played exactly four notes, curtsied and left. I still hear those notes 62 years later and cannot testify they were part of her number. The applause was fulsome probably due to the relief at least one child did not put them through a lengthy number.

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Ha ha ha! You're hysterical!

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Omg, so funny!!

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I am smiling, smiling, smiling.

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Feel comforted that the second grade production is likely to have more teeth.

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I especially liked your comment about the many toothless players!

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