“I would politely decline, wish him a smooth exit of his own, and mercifully alone, wait for Death’s sweet embrace, peacefully and blissfully unaware of his interior life.” Hahahahahahhaahahahhahahaha. I love you!

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This line made me laugh out loud too. Charlotte, you are amazing!

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

I couldn’t agree more with this! It’s the absolute Hypocrisy that comes out of their mouths and they don’t care or have the moral courage to care about anything other than their own selfish interests and that’s pure Narcissistic Misogyny in this case and a lot of the others on the Right! 👿

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Interesting how the NC Republican Party was fine with Robinson identifying as a Nazi, his addictive porn watching, horrific misogyny, gesturing to his groin discussing how women have to control what is below the belt--any of that should have been instant disqualification.

We already know the Republicans have long been fine with pedophilia, especially with little girls, because of how they shrugged when Roy Moore was proven to be a persistent predator of poor little virgin girls, and how Republicans weren't too bothered about Trump's deep association with Epstein. Vance tells us why; girls are to be exploited, seed is to be sown, abortions denied, (white) babies born.

They also seem perfectly OK with gay men like Thiel and Graham, so long as they are rich and on their side. Nothing wrong with men liking men, since men are superior beings. Understandable.

But liking transgender porn? Suddenly, beyond the pale.

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I shared on FB. It was removed in five minutes because “it looks like you are trying to get likes, follows or shares in a misleading way.” This only happens with posts about republican hypocrisy

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Another (I was going to say masterpiece, but patriarchy and misogyny run so deep in our society and language—that “master” word again) fantastic piece Charlotte. Thank you.

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