May 29Liked by Charlotte Clymer

I just saw a picture of her signing Israeli artillery shells with "Finish Them"


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I've been looking for anything beyond the initial headlines about that and there's nothing, zilch, zero. I know she's irrelevant to the presidential race now, but YOINKS SPLAT applies to MSM as well. We search for any substance beneath the headlines an unless it's a deep profile of a disaffected Iowa diner patron it's not there.

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Haley's visit to Israel to criticize Biden for not backing Netanyahu's attacks on Gaza and Rafa tells me she is Trump's pick for VP.

If the Press doesn't start nailing her to the wall regularly for all this hypocrisy you describe so well (which they probably will not), it will be to the eternal shame of the Fourth Estate.

There really is nothing worse than an ambitious, cynical female opportunist like Haley--she is just another variant of Phyllis Schlafly. So many of them out there.

Women who work, particularly in areas that are dominated by men, encounter this type of woman way too often. We steer clear because we know they are far worse than the most misogynistic man on the planet; women like Haley will perform cruelty on the misogynist's behalf gleefully, buffering him from all criticism, since "well, a woman is criticizing the woman, so it MUST be okay". And she gets ample rewards in return.

Lordy, I do hope women raise their voices about this, and drive it through to men we know are not misogynistic (those who remain delightfully or ridiculously clueless about how hard it is for women), why Haley is absolute and complete poison, part of a system designed to chase women back to the dark ages.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.

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I despise her hypocrisy but I must point out that as Ambassador to the UN, she was doing Trump’s bidding. She didn’t make those decisions on her own. Ambassadors are merely the mouthpiece for the State Department who in turn answers to the POTUS. Just sayin’

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“We are responsible for our obedience.” — Hannah Arendt

With all due respect, please stop infantilizing her. Please stop making excuses for her. She’s a grown ass adult.

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