Indeed. What's next - objection to her locking up her phone before intel briefings? I've been a government employee for 3 decades, the last several years of which I was considered a "security target". I have no programmable internet-of-things appliances; locked up my cell before going into my office; sat in an office you could only access with a security pass and code; and LIKE HELL would anyone other than my secretary get in there without my presence. This is basic OpSec, and precisely the thing people tarred and feathered The Email Lady for allegedly ignoring.

I wish this was just journalistic laziness (like the disingenuous statement that "we wrote to ask what the problem was with bluetooth but they didn't answer, waaah!!"). But the whole thing reeks of bias, deliberate targeting, and misinformation.

PS: As for the pot saga, I am the proud owner of several thousand bucks worth of Le Creuset pots and love them all. One was even given to me as a recognition for 25 years in Canada's public service. Go, Kamala!!!

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The DC press core is too concerned with clicks.

Even some of the more seasoned people are so fucking (pardon my language)out of touch with what is happening in this country that it could lead a woman to drink….

I am disgusted with how the press has turned into nothing more than the Stanley Tucci character in Hunger Games.

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It's been really disappointing to watch a number of reporters take this ridiculous bait.

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