Charlotte, we've not had the chance yet to meet in person, but I love you. Thank you for this. It reminds me a bit of that exchange Sarah Silverman had with an angry troll on Twitter several years back, when she asked a similar question of him that you were wondering internally about The Loud Proselytizer. Sarah's kind, human response changed their whole conversation. If memory serves, she even helped him get help. And now any time I see Sarah, I think of her kindness to that angry stranger throwing vitriol at her. She responded, as you did, with love. I hope your story makes its way to this wounded man, so clearly suffering an injury we can't see easily from the outside, but whose need for grace (which I you know we all need as much as oxygen) was obvious to your kind eyes and spirit. Thank you for extending grace and kindness, for demonstrating good humor and courage and familiarity with that eternal Wild Goose. Would that we might all do the same.

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I just loved the heck outa this one. I don't recall what first caught my eye about your substack, but I'm sure glad I'm subscribed. If this were the only piece I ever read here, it would be totally worth it - in fact, it would be a bargain.

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Wow. You’re a much kinder person than I am. Brava you.

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I'm impressed by your ability to remain calm and to humanize this person. I do not understand this level of hatred and anger. I lived with this on a daily basis through two marriages to abusive men. Some of it I understood, but explanations are not excuses. Hate and anger are exhausting and accomplish nothing but more hatred and anger. I hope your words had some impact on this person; they did give me some insight into confronting this behavior.

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Wow. You are what we call a "mensch".

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A valuable life lesson delivered with panache. You rock!

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I applaud your ability to have restraint, we hear you and see you dear Charlotte, thank you for "trying" to share and enlighten a mind that needed to hear your insight.

I'm here because of these exact circumstances that you repeatedly rise above, again, thank you.

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It seems like you were one of the few people paying attention in Sunday school. I never cease to be amazed by your grace.

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You, ma'am, are amazing. I wish I had one ounce of your compassion and grace. If we could all summon the kind of kindness that you inspire, what a beautiful world it would be. Thank you for leading the way.

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You are a better woman than I am, m'dear. I'm not sure I could have stopped myself from saying something cutting to that man regarding his treatment of trans folks. I'm not sure I would have remembered that hurt people are the most apt to strike out blindly, especially toward that which they fear or don't understand. I'm very glad you did, however, remember that and tried to reach out to him.

It also serves as a lesson to me, old as I am, that it's well past time for me to quit REacting and start acting toward people. To attempt to counter rudeness with more of the same is futile - and definitely not what would have been called for in this situation. Despite the irritation and drain on your resources, I'm glad you were there and made that effort. You are a better woman than I, despite my 68 years. <3

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Beauty... Reading this at the end of a very long workday is lovely. with gratitude.

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Once again, Charlotte, you gently show us by example what living a life of faith is. You face far more adversity that could be life threatening than most of us do. You extend Grace and forgiveness to those that deny that you have the right to exist.

I hope I will have the honor of meeting you some day. Whether it would be a political event or perhaps hearing you preach.

May peace and grace continue to be with you. Sending you love and prayers for your continued safety from my small corner in Indiana.

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I greatly appreciated this piece and could relate to many of the feelings you wrote about. Your rationale for your reaction was very cool and inspirational. Personally I find myself succumbing to my anger, risking the loss of my equilibrium. 👍🏼💙🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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This is wonderful beyond words.

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I don’t quite remember how I came across your profile (likely a retweet on Twitter), but I’ve been following as a free subscriber for a bit, and this post cemented me as a paid one. Read this last night, and still thinking about it (and all your work) this morning. You deserve every bit of grace and goodness, Charlotte. Happy to support your work.

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Also, Charlotte, if you EVER need anything from H.E.B, I’ll be happy to ship it your way. 😄

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Beautifully written, and beautifully handled. Truly in The Spirit.

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