Charlotte, thank you for continuing to speak out. I’m a cis, straight woman but have been the family physician for a number of trans people and have trans friends and colleagues. I find all of this horrifying and sure I can’t really imagine how this must feel to trans people.
I think the anti-trans attacks are both a distraction and a first step. OF COURSE they will keep escalating. That's what dictators do. and meanwhile, they are busy dismantling the rest of the government.
Unfortunately, I think you’re right, Charlotte. The end result of the current regime will likely be the criminalization of transgender people in the U.S. It doesn’t appear likely that the Democratic Party has the wherewithal to stand up for the trans community. Will the courts stop the onslaught? Maybe??? Everyone should probably be thinking about Plan B…sooner rather than later.
I hear you, Charlotte. Not going to let #Felon47 and The @VP do this to us or destroy the country. Trans folks are just some of the early casualties but we’re all under fire…
Thanks for the summary of the measures they are imposing to dehumanize and erase gender fluidity. Especially re the military ones, I'm old enough to immediately believe they will apply those to many women who identify as lesbians as well as trans and gender fluid folks. Men who hate gender difference are deeply offended and frightened by women who fail to present as available to them.
No words, Charlotte. I hate that you are hurting but even more, I am enraged at the despicable actions of the Republicans using trans people as their target to rile up their base. I met my first trans woman 50 years ago, and at the time many in my circle of friends were LGBT. I'm grateful to have met them when I was young and open to realizing that the world and the people in it were wide and diverse. They've helped make me who I am today.
Charlotte, thank you for continuing to speak out. I’m a cis, straight woman but have been the family physician for a number of trans people and have trans friends and colleagues. I find all of this horrifying and sure I can’t really imagine how this must feel to trans people.
You are quite right. I am going to increase my emphasis on this issue in my communications with my Democratic Senators and Congresswoman.
I think the anti-trans attacks are both a distraction and a first step. OF COURSE they will keep escalating. That's what dictators do. and meanwhile, they are busy dismantling the rest of the government.
I am heartsick.
I am so sorry.
Fuck the Democrats & their outright cowardice.
How can I help?
Unfortunately, I think you’re right, Charlotte. The end result of the current regime will likely be the criminalization of transgender people in the U.S. It doesn’t appear likely that the Democratic Party has the wherewithal to stand up for the trans community. Will the courts stop the onslaught? Maybe??? Everyone should probably be thinking about Plan B…sooner rather than later.
I hear you, Charlotte. Not going to let #Felon47 and The @VP do this to us or destroy the country. Trans folks are just some of the early casualties but we’re all under fire…
The Democratic Part's silence on this is a disgrace.
We aren’t getting any peace on either side of the equation at this point.
Thanks for the summary of the measures they are imposing to dehumanize and erase gender fluidity. Especially re the military ones, I'm old enough to immediately believe they will apply those to many women who identify as lesbians as well as trans and gender fluid folks. Men who hate gender difference are deeply offended and frightened by women who fail to present as available to them.
I'm so sorry and so sad about all this. I'll keep calling my reps. Standing with you.
Perfectly well stated.
Again, I’m sorry and I love you.
You are not alone, although I fear it must feel that way in these times.
No words, Charlotte. I hate that you are hurting but even more, I am enraged at the despicable actions of the Republicans using trans people as their target to rile up their base. I met my first trans woman 50 years ago, and at the time many in my circle of friends were LGBT. I'm grateful to have met them when I was young and open to realizing that the world and the people in it were wide and diverse. They've helped make me who I am today.