I am literally sitting here with my jaw dropped. I cannot add anything to what you've written (of course, because I know nothing about competitive chess). But the whole thing makes NO SENSE and is obviously nothing more than anti-trans. Just stunned.

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I made a slight edit in one of your sentences. "Again and again, the message to women and girls in [delete "chess" and replace it with "anything"] has been they are not as welcome as their male colleagues and do not deserve equal support." I'm a cisgender woman who's lived 71 years and I am so very, very tired of this nonsense. I encouraged my daughter to attend a single-sex high school where she was encouraged to do her best, to be vocal and where she felt safe and supported when she came out as lesbian. She then attended Smith College as an undergraduate and taught me all about sexual and gender identity, including nonbinary and trans, as well as other issues that I had not connected to how women are marginalized. She's graduating with her Master's this weekend. Her partner is a nonbinary transgender man. Thank you for this article. After the Queen's Gambit (which was very good) people probably think that chess has been opened up for women so it's good to not idealize and deal with reality.

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Read a post yesterday from Erin Reed about this, which blew my mind. I very much appreciate the nuance, inside knowledge of competitive chess and first hand experience you've added here. Helps me better understand why there even is a women's division, while further confirming that excluding trans folx is ridiculous and insulting ... to all players. Bonkers! Hope FIDE gets slammed by enough people that they have to revisit and revise this policy.

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The additions to the rules by FIDE are - to put it bluntly - INSANE. In what *universe* does *anyone* think that transwomen have some supposed advantage over cisgendered women? I *thought* I had become accustomed to the strange and bizarre on the daily over the past few years, but this just heads up a new LOW. One can only hope that SOMEONE in that organization wakes up to reality and reverses course ASAP. Utterly appalling. :/

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Thanks for writing this Charlotte! You continue to educate me and I appreciate it. ❤️

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Thank you for writing about this. It’s one more crazy episode of making “not a problem” into a “problem” with the added hatefulness of targeting & bashing transgender women. Outing someone because she wants to play chess? Are they going to do a genitalia exam before the opening game? This is some really sick, hateful, mean, cruel, bizarre crap.

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Hi Charlotte

I'm a parent of a trans woman, employer of a trans woman, and US Chess member 10152763. OF COURSE this is batshit crazy.

US Chess members may wish to check out https://uschess.discourse.group/t/fide-trans-gender-ban/53368/11

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Also the part where you casually mention you’ve completed in chess tournaments... the scales are tipped wayyy to far in your favor Charlotte. How’s it possible that you’re this talented, smart, charming, stylish, kindhearted, and possess a courage as deep as the ocean?! Not fair I say.

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Attn Charlotte

If you are ever in Seattle please drop in on one of ChessClub’s venues. It’s a great scene and good play. I guarantee you’ll be welcomed. https://www.instagram.com/chessclub.club/

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