Thanks Charlotte! Some more baseball good news here: Genevieve Beacom became the first woman to pitch for a professional baseball team (i.e. she's not in a gender segregated team) in Australia. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/01/08/genevieve-beacom-melbourne-aces/

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An excellent idea. We definitely need reminders that good still exists. Thank you.

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I was soooo happy to discover that Amy Schneider was a trans woman after having peripherally know that a woman was beating all sorts of records on Jeopardy (I don't watch it). It made me realize that the fact that she was trans was not the leading part of the story in any of the places that I saw the story. Not because it's not great, but that someday, it will be the way it is always.

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Thank you, Charlotte. This is an important and powerful stance to take. As someone who works in mental health, is a single mom, and is an activist for girls and women around the world, I appreciate how vital it is to count the victories and accentuate the positive. I see and hear about heartbreaking things every day. So I make sure that I see, do, read, and find positive things, actions and examples of love, hope, justice, peace, and progress, every day. What we feed grows. When we feed what is true, loving, kind, and conscious in ourselves and in others, it's extremely powerful. What we feed grows. Thank you for being you! I appreciate you every day.

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Thank you, we all need these reminders of the good around us.

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Great idea!

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